Hispanics Lists
Hispanics Lists from Mailing Lists USA has identified more than 10,000,000 Hispanic households in the United States. Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group in the U.S. with more than $300 billion in buying power. Hispanic households receive an average of 50 direct mail pieces per year, compared to 500 or more in the general population. Hispanic consumers aren’t as jaded as the general market and are much more likely to read and respond to direct mail.
Demographic data suggest that direct mail is the only effective marketing medium to access this lucrative market.
Available Selections:
  • Age, Income, Gender, and more
  • Age, Income, Gender, and more
  • Religion, Language Preference, Country of Origin
  • Presence of Children
  • Ages of Children, Age Range and Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Automotive-Number of Cars, Vehicle Type (Modeled)
  • Homeowner, Property Characteristics
  • Length of Residence
  • Estimated Home Value
  • Online Interests Occupation
  • Mail Order Response - Responder, Buyer, Donor
  • Credit Card - Bank (Retail, Bank, Specialty)
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Fitness, Cultural, Outdoors and more
  • Dating, Shopping, Travel, and more
  • Fitness, Cultural, Outdoors and more

MailingListsUSA uses a rule based system that applies computer rules for first names, surnames, surname prefixes and suffixes, and geographic criteria in a specific order to identify the ethnicity, religion, and language preference of an individual.

Unlike systems using either exact spelling of surnames, or matching against nationwide lists pre-coded with surnames, ML-USA uses a comprehensive analysis process that results in both a higher match rate percentage and a higher degree of accuracy, as well as a broader and more precise breakdown of ethnicity / religion / language preference classifications. Competitors may use approaches similar to ML-USA's or they may use simple geo-coding systems, but their results are nowhere near as robust.

We identify language preference by first identifying unique first names. For example, ML-USA will say a woman whose first name is Marisol probably speaks and thinks in Spanish whether or not her last name is Lopez or Koslowski.

Second, ML-USA examines identified surnames with commonly used first names for each surname's ethnicity to predict language preference. For example, the surname Garcia is most often Hispanic while the first name Pablo is common but not unique to Hispanic. ML-USA will predict that Pablo Garcia speaks Spanish. However, if Pablo's last name were Debrito, which ML-USA identifies as Portuguese, we would predict that this Pablo is Portuguese and speaks Portuguese.

Demographic data suggest that direct mail is the only effective marketing medium to access this lucrative market.

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